Note of Welcome

Welcome to Moonprincess!

What to say on these About pages, kind of makes me laugh. I could say how great things are and how awesome my creations will be for you. The fact is I design things to my taste and what has inspired me. Which is usually other fashions, such as seeing something and thinking “oh wouldn’t that be amazing with such and such and in this color” or something to that effect. So yes mostly I build my design on what’s out there or something I have seen. Occasionally though I do have some bright ideas, those “ah ha” moments when talking to someone or just sitting and day dreaming.

I have always had a thing for helping people out. Not to the point where they take advantage but those who honestly want to learn or understand something. Yet I remain a very private person, even in SL. Despite that I wanted and love doing thing to put together, so here I am. Creating and designing new outfits, collections, and simple things to enhance your Second Life. Learning is kind of my fun time. I like to learn new things all the time. If I don’t know then I usually know where to start to find what I need.

Having been in SL for over a decade you see fashions come and go. Shops and clubs change almost like some people change clothes, no pun intended. What isn’t realized that between buying everything you need to start and what you actually sell can sometimes never be enough. The flip side is you get into it and didn’t realize what all is involved or it takes to succeed. Yes I will budget my cost and that may effect where I have stores and such. It won’t effect the products, they will reside in my inventory unless LL decides otherwise. I won’t do overt advertising, though I may rent a couple of ad boards around the grid. My designing is for me and personal gain, if you like it and I hope you do then that makes it great.

The website is just to enhance my In-World presence. Most of what you see here will also be available at the store. This is a venue you can access without logging in just to see, if that is your thing. I also will be setting up pre-release post here to kinda get feedback on designs that I need more color/pattern options. Maybe even variations and new concepts. Even to let me know what isn’t liked as well so I don’t venture into doing more that sells less.

My business is my public persona, I have reinvented myself over the last year and it’s been very enlightening. Southern Sassy is more than just a store, it’s an attitude on the way I live. The things that will be brought out will be to show that style for the way SL is meant to be lived.

So as they say I know I didn’t really answer the about me, but if you really wanna know then you’ll get to know me.



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